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Diskussion " Mixed Event " für 470er

Zur letzten Antwort

Von: Kristof
Datum: 24.11.10

Auf der internationalen 470er-Seite habe ich folgende Kommentare zum Thema " Mixed Event " gefunden ( http://ykom.de/x/581 ):
1) ----
Sailman: The idea of mixed crews in the 470 - an excellent and innovative!!! This will give a big jump in popularity of the Olympic sailing and 470!
2) ----
Julian: This is the biggest shit I've ever heard... !!!!!!!
Imagine all the young 470 sailers who train for the 2016 Olympics.... everything is over... everything they trained so hard for is nothing... all the money.... they stand before a big black hole...
they only have the option to change into the 49er or they search for a new helm/crew... and they have to begin from zero.... I think more then 50 % from the sailors will stop their sailing career... and is this what they want????
They maybe sail together for 10 years (420 then 470) and now a few people from ISAF thought:,, OHHH it maybe would be nice to make a mixed sailing.... let us try it.... when it is not good, we can change it again for 2020.. like we did it with the multihull...
And the next point is... how many mixed teams are existing in the juniors? not many, because everyone who sail (seriously) know how difficult it is to pass so many time with just one person. And now this person also should be from the other gender... this makes it a lot more difficult....
Sooo i can NOT understand why do mixed sailing... i think this will destroy the 470 class.. and i hope this will not happen, because i love the 470 as a dinghy very much.
Why always that big changes from one Olympics to the others... ???

Was denkt ihr? Ist die Entscheidung eher gut oder schlecht für den 470er? Warum halten sich die Offiziellen (sei es int. KV oder KV oder DSV) so zurück?

Antwort #1
Von: Martin Lutz GER 5020
Datum: 25.11.10

Mixed sind doch gemsichte Teams also Mann und Frau und das wurde nun erlaubt oder wie ??? Warum regen sich da so viele drüber auf? Oder habe ich was falsches verstanden?

Wann kommt der neue regatta Kalender 2011 raus!

Martin Lutz
GER 5020

Antwort #2
Von: Kristof
Datum: 25.11.10

Weil *nur noch* das erlaubt ist, also bei Olympia zumindest.

(Termine kommen Anfang Dezember.)

Antwort #3
Von: flori
Datum: 25.11.10

besser als 470er ganz rauszunehmen....

Antwort #4
Von: Kristof
Datum: 12.12.10

Hier immerhin eine Stellungnahme der int. KV:

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