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Die Schweizer ....

Zur letzten Antwort

Von: Kristof Doffing
Datum: 16.01.02

Na, die Schweizer haben Humor....

For Kids and Small Boat Tacticians:

1. Don't hit other boats.
Collisions are slow and arguments are slower.

2. Port tack boat usually has to stay out of the way of
everyone else.

3. Windward boats must stay away from leeward boats.

4. The inside boat gets to go round the mark first.

5. Don't hit marks. Doing circles is slow.

6. Don't hit the committee boat. First, it is a mark (see Rule 5)
second, it really makes them mad.

7. Nothing good ever happens on a layline.

8. The port tack layline is a very ugly place.

9. Control your own destiny and stay out of the Protest Room.
Protest Committees are uncontrollable: with a 100% solid
case, you still have a 50% chance of being DSQ.

Antwort #1
Von: Alexander Körner
Datum: 16.01.02

Wo zu kaufe ich mir noch Wettfahrtregeln mit über 224 Seiten, obwohl sich das
Wesentliche so kompakt darstellen läßt??
Manfred Curry hat übrigens auch Regeln in seinem Buch die man besser nicht mehr
anwenden sollte.

Viele Grüße, bis zur nächsten Regatta. Alexander Körner

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